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Licensee (Owner): Calvary Chapel Cedar City, Inc. Service Designation: FX FM Translator Channel: 205 88.9 MHz Licensed File Number: 0000142294 Facility ID Number: 69320 Application ID Number: 25076ff3788538660178880f0c560008 Class: D
Location: Webb Hill (UT) 37° 3' 50" N (37.063889) Latitude 113° 34' 27.8" W (-113.574389) Longitude (NAD83 ★)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 0.15 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 190' 57.87m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 33' 10m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 3155' 962m Emission Mask: Simple Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 135335 Pattern Rotation: 0° Antenna Make: NICOM Antenna Model: BKG77 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.