RabbitEars attempts to be as accurate as possible, using both official and unofficial sources to verify its listings. A network may list one or more affiliates in its official list that are not listed on RabbitEars. Some of these listings may be new and not yet included on RabbitEars, but this may also happen if an affiliation cannot be confirmed, or evidence suggests the station(s) is/are not carrying the network at all or beyond a minimal amount. In this case, RabbitEars may decline to list certain network affiliations in order to provide the most accurate information for its users about the majority of the programming seen on a particular station or subchannel.
RabbitEars uses the following criteria to determine network affiliations. If the full schedule of a network (or nearly the full schedule) is cleared for a non-24-hour network, such as ABC, CBS, CW, or My Network TV, it is considered to be an affiliate of that network. In the case of 24-hour networks, such as RTV, Me-TV, or Antenna TV, it is only considered to be an "affiliate" for the purpose of inclusion on RabbitEars if it clears a "substantial portion" of network programming. The definition of "substantial portion" is at the sole discretion of RabbitEars, but is generally taken to mean more than 12 hours per day or in an amount more than double that of the next most-shown network. Some exceptions may apply when an exclusive affiliation is involved but in a limited timeslot, such as limited use of This TV on certain affiliates of My Network TV.
RabbitEars divides up affiliations by time in the event that multiple networks take up a "substantial portion" of their respective operational schedules on a given subchannel. Given that station schedules are subject to change without notice, the times given for divided network affiliations are and can only be estimates, and should be treated accordingly. If found to be inaccurate, it is likely that the listed times were accurate at one point, but the schedule has since changed.
RabbitEars does not regularly list analog stations. In a few circumstances, analog stations have been included to make certain features function properly, but the site code is not generally designed for this. The only case in which analog stations may be listed with regularity is when those stations hold a permit to begin digital operation and sources suggest the station may sign on in the near future. Stations which are analog may be listed either as "analog" or as "off the air" if they are included in the main listings. Being listed as "off the air" does not necessarily mean the station is entirely off the air and may indicate that a station is operating as an analog station. No coverage maps or contour maps exist for analog stations and analog stations are not featured in any publicly-available database on RabbitEars.
RabbitEars does not use any figures from Nielsen. Following a legal threat to Wikipedia, RabbitEars constructed its own ranking system (the "READS" ranks), based on over-the-air coverage as determined by US Census population figures and Longley-Rice coverage predictions. As a result, rankings and population counts will not match those provided by Nielsen, and should not be expected to do so.
RabbitEars generates population counts for stations and networks by counting all of the population centers whose Census reference coordinates fall within the noise-limited coverage contour, noted in blue on RabbitEars coverage contour maps. This means the population figures may not be as accurate as figures available from commercial software that can use the Longley-Rice method to determine population counts. Such figures should be considered to be a rough estimate only, thus the notation of "Estimated Population" in the main listings.
RabbitEars coverage maps use the Longley-Rice prediction method and assume a receive height of 13 feet rather than the FCC standard 30 feet. While every attempt is made to ensure the maps are accurate, RabbitEars cannot be held responsible for map errors due to incorrect coordinate conversion, erroneous coordinates submitted to the FCC, shortcomings in the Longley-Rice prediction model, or any other reason. As a result, maps may not reflect actual reception conditions, though the editor certainly hopes that they do.
While the editor is more than happy to assist users of the site who ask politely, he loses interest in doing so upon the receipt of threats. RabbitEars reserves the right to delist any station, ownership group, network, or other entity noted on RabbitEars at any time and for any reason. This right is reserved for the purpose of protecting RabbitEars from such threats. All information on RabbitEars is provided at the sole discretion of the editor.
RabbitEars is a hobby, and should be treated as such. While every attempt is made to make it as accurate and feature-packed as possible, please be aware that errors can and do exist, as much of the work on RabbitEars is done by a single person. The editor is always pleased to receive any updates, corrections, or messages pointing out errors in site code or content, but cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies that may be observed on RabbitEars.
RabbitEars is an independent entity. Although the editor may have been an employee of a media company, that company holds no ownership interest nor any type of control over RabbitEars. Additionally, the editor is now an employee of the Federal Communications Commission and the US government also holds no ownership interest nor any type of control over RabbitEars. Operation, maintenance, and update of RabbitEars and its associated tools and databases are the sole responsibility of and at the sole discretion of the editor.
Copyright © RabbitEars.info 2008-2025
Proudly hosted by Silica Broadband.
Member of the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association.
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Disclaimer: Though every attempt is made, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. RabbitEars reserves the right to
any station, ownership group, network, or other entity noted on RabbitEars at any time and for any reason.
"And the knowledge that they fear is a weapon to be used against them..." - Rush "The Weapon"