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Licensee (Owner): Gray Television Licensee, LLC (Gray Television) Service Designation: LPT Low-Power Digital Translator Channel: 23 524 - 530 MHz Application File Number: 0000054210 Facility ID Number: 72301 Application ID Number: 25076ff36360b157016369bf8e4113c6 CDBS Application ID: 2016209
Location: Cowee Bald (NC) 35° 19' 35.3" N (35.326472) Latitude 83° 20' 5.5" W (-83.334861) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 15 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 2106' 642.1m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 62' 19m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 5005' 1526m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 100586 Pattern Rotation: 60° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: DLP-8D Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Gray Television Licensee, LLC (Gray Television) Service Designation: LPT Low-Power Digital Translator Channel: 23 524 - 530 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 01/22/2022) File Number: 0000054210 Facility ID Number: 72301 Application ID Number: 25076f916810e1fa016814673d670e1c CDBS Application ID: 2019554
Location: Cowee Bald (NC) 35° 19' 35.3" N (35.326472) Latitude 83° 20' 5.5" W (-83.334861) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 15 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 2106' 642.1m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 62' 19m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 5005' 1526m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 100586 Pattern Rotation: 60° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: DLP-8D Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Gray Television Licensee, LLC (Gray Television) Service Designation: LPT Low-Power Digital Translator Channel: 23 524 - 530 MHz Licensed File Number: 0000080642 Facility ID Number: 72301 Application ID Number: 25076ff36cb63e42016cbf58eaf10c40 CDBS Application ID: 2022716
Location: Cowee Bald (NC) 35° 19' 35.3" N (35.326472) Latitude 83° 20' 5.5" W (-83.334861) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 15 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 2106' 642.1m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 62' 19m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 5005' 1526m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
0.25 kW TPO + 17.78 dB gain = 15 kW ERP -6.02 dBk TPO + 17.78 dB gain = 11.76 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: 100586 Pattern Rotation: 60° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: DLP-8D Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Gray Television Licensee, LLC (Gray Television) Service Designation: LPT Low-Power Digital Translator Channel: 44 650 - 656 MHz Application File Number: BDISDTT-20060316ACR Facility ID Number: 72301 Application ID Number: 3d754ffb7b7446fe823ccf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1119536
Location: Cowee Bald (NC) 35° 19' 35.3" N (35.326472) Latitude 83° 20' 5.5" W (-83.334861) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 5 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 62' 19m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 5005' 1526m Emission Mask: Simple Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 18124 Pattern Rotation: 60° Antenna Make: BOG Antenna Model: B4UC Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Gray Television Licensee, LLC (Gray Television) Service Designation: LPT Low-Power Digital Translator Channel: 44 650 - 656 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 12/01/2020) File Number: BDISDTT-20090824ACN Facility ID Number: 72301 Application ID Number: 2f477d3323c64e2fbdbccf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1323891
Location: Cowee Bald (NC) 35° 19' 35.3" N (35.326472) Latitude 83° 20' 5.5" W (-83.334861) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 5 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 62' 19m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 5005' 1526m Emission Mask: Simple Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 18124 Pattern Rotation: 60° Elec. Beam Tilt: 3° Antenna Make: BOG Antenna Model: B4UC Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Gray Television Licensee, LLC (Gray Television) Service Designation: LPT Low-Power Digital Translator Channel: 44 650 - 656 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 12/01/2020) File Number: BMPDTT-20100903AAL Facility ID Number: 72301 Application ID Number: ac42d4b73d154316877ccf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1397074
Location: Cowee Bald (NC) 35° 19' 35.3" N (35.326472) Latitude 83° 20' 5.5" W (-83.334861) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 5 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 62' 19m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 5005' 1526m Emission Mask: Simple Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 100586 Pattern Rotation: 60° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: DLP-8D Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Gray Television Licensee, LLC (Gray Television) Service Designation: LPT Low-Power Digital Translator Channel: 44 650 - 656 MHz Licensed File Number: BLDTT-20110225ACF Facility ID Number: 72301 Application ID Number: 5004cea9c8114a208a14cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1419019
Location: Cowee Bald (NC) 35° 19' 35.3" N (35.326472) Latitude 83° 20' 5.5" W (-83.334861) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 5 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 2106' 642.1m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 62' 19m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 5005' 1526m Emission Mask: Simple Filter
0.25 kW TPO + 13.01 dB gain = 5 kW ERP -6.02 dBk TPO + 13.01 dB gain = 6.99 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: 100586 Pattern Rotation: 60° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: DLP-8D Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.