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W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 16   482 - 488 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 06/01/2015) 
File Number: BDFCDTL-20110809ABC     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 5e4b4fb03930408e8695cf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1438872

Location: Meeks Hill (NY)
42°17'32"N (42.292222)Latitude
77°40'26"W (-77.673889)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Unknown Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):0.277 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 20'6m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2099'640m
Emission Mask: Simple Filter

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 106101      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: DBP      Antenna Model: AP08 (COMPOSITE)      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  1.000   
  10°  0.967   
  20°  0.877   
  30°  0.761   
  40°  0.672   
  50°  0.672   
  60°  0.761   
  70°  0.877   
  80°  0.967   
  90°  1.000   
100°  0.967   
110°  0.877   
120°  0.761   
130°  0.672   
140°  0.672   
150°  0.761   
160°  0.877   
170°  0.967   
180°  1.000   
190°  0.967   
200°  0.872   
210°  0.729   
220°  0.556   
230°  0.378   
240°  0.218   
250°  0.095   
260°  0.025   
270°  0.017   
280°  0.025   
290°  0.095   
300°  0.218   
310°  0.378   
320°  0.556   
330°  0.729   
340°  0.872   
350°  0.967   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1053378   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
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Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for BDFCDTL-20110809ABC
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 16   482 - 488 MHz Pending License Application 
File Number: BLDTL-20120216ADJ     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 120cd24ceee14ff692eecf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1488211

Location: Meeks Hill (NY)
42°17'32"N (42.292222)Latitude
77°40'26"W (-77.673889)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Unknown Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):0.277 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 20'6m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2099'640m
Emission Mask: Simple Filter

0.07 kW TPO + 5.97 dB gain = 0.277 kW ERP
-11.55 dBk TPO + 5.97 dB gain = -5.58 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 106101      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: DBP      Antenna Model: AP08 (COMPOSITE)      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  1.000   
  10°  0.967   
  20°  0.877   
  30°  0.761   
  40°  0.672   
  50°  0.672   
  60°  0.761   
  70°  0.877   
  80°  0.967   
  90°  1.000   
100°  0.967   
110°  0.877   
120°  0.761   
130°  0.672   
140°  0.672   
150°  0.761   
160°  0.877   
170°  0.967   
180°  1.000   
190°  0.967   
200°  0.872   
210°  0.729   
220°  0.556   
230°  0.378   
240°  0.218   
250°  0.095   
260°  0.025   
270°  0.017   
280°  0.025   
290°  0.095   
300°  0.218   
310°  0.378   
320°  0.556   
330°  0.729   
340°  0.872   
350°  0.967   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1053378   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for BLDTL-20120216ADJ
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 16   482 - 488 MHz Licensed 
File Number: BLDTL-20120216ADJ     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 1b7b073a66904ad9be5bcf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1488344

Location: Meeks Hill (NY)
42°17'32"N (42.292222)Latitude
77°40'26"W (-77.673889)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Unknown Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):0.277 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 374'114.03m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 20'6m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2099'640m
Emission Mask: Simple Filter

0.07 kW TPO + 5.97 dB gain = 0.277 kW ERP
-11.55 dBk TPO + 5.97 dB gain = -5.58 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 106101      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: DBP      Antenna Model: AP08 (COMPOSITE)      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  1.000   
  10°  0.967   
  20°  0.877   
  30°  0.761   
  40°  0.672   
  50°  0.672   
  60°  0.761   
  70°  0.877   
  80°  0.967   
  90°  1.000   
100°  0.967   
110°  0.877   
120°  0.761   
130°  0.672   
140°  0.672   
150°  0.761   
160°  0.877   
170°  0.967   
180°  1.000   
190°  0.967   
200°  0.872   
210°  0.729   
220°  0.556   
230°  0.378   
240°  0.218   
250°  0.095   
260°  0.025   
270°  0.017   
280°  0.025   
290°  0.095   
300°  0.218   
310°  0.378   
320°  0.556   
330°  0.729   
340°  0.872   
350°  0.967   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1053378   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  88,167
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for BLDTL-20120216ADJ
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 17   488 - 494 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 11/06/2021) 
File Number: 0000052817     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 25076f9162bbeb9d0162cfaecdd52cf6
CDBS Application ID: 2009948

42°34'1"N (42.566944)Latitude
78°2'38"W (-78.043889)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):15 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: -272'-82.93m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 23'7m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1214'370m
Emission Mask: Stringent Filter

Non-DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1003064      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TLP-8TLP A      

Pop:  156,379
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
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Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for 0000052817
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 17   488 - 494 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 11/06/2021) 
File Number: 0000146339     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 25076f917981a631017985ff069c097a
CDBS Application ID: 2041521

42°43'23.4"N (42.723167)Latitude
77°40'32.66"W (-77.675739)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):1 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 22'6.74m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 42'12.7m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1219'371.7m
Emission Mask: Stringent Filter

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1008199      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: SCA      Antenna Model: 4DR-4S X2 Array      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.812   
  10°  0.680   
  20°  0.520   
  30°  0.350   
  40°  0.175   
  50°  0.087   
  60°  0.050   
  70°  0.043   
  80°  0.043   
  90°  0.050   
100°  0.087   
110°  0.175   
120°  0.350   
130°  0.520   
140°  0.680   
150°  0.812   
160°  0.916   
170°  0.980   
180°  1.000   
190°  0.980   
200°  0.916   
210°  0.812   
220°  0.680   
230°  0.525   
240°  0.350   
250°  0.175   
260°  0.175   
270°  0.350   
280°  0.520   
290°  0.680   
300°  0.812   
310°  0.916   
320°  0.980   
330°  1.000   
340°  0.980   
350°  0.916   
Directional Pattern

Pop:  78,953
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for 0000146339
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 17   488 - 494 MHz Licensed 
File Number: 0000166828     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 25076f917a831050017a8bd4c3e12070
CDBS Application ID: 2044811

42°43'23.4"N (42.723167)Latitude
77°40'32.66"W (-77.675739)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):1 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 22'6.74m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 42'12.7m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1219'371.7m
Emission Mask: Stringent Filter

0.07 kW TPO + 11.55 dB gain = 1 kW ERP
-11.55 dBk TPO + 11.55 dB gain = 0 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1008199      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: SCA      Antenna Model: 4DR-4S X2 Array      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.812   
  10°  0.680   
  20°  0.520   
  30°  0.350   
  40°  0.175   
  50°  0.087   
  60°  0.050   
  70°  0.043   
  80°  0.043   
  90°  0.050   
100°  0.087   
110°  0.175   
120°  0.350   
130°  0.520   
140°  0.680   
150°  0.812   
160°  0.916   
170°  0.980   
180°  1.000   
190°  0.980   
200°  0.916   
210°  0.812   
220°  0.680   
230°  0.525   
240°  0.350   
250°  0.175   
260°  0.175   
270°  0.350   
280°  0.520   
290°  0.680   
300°  0.812   
310°  0.916   
320°  0.980   
330°  1.000   
340°  0.980   
350°  0.916   
Directional Pattern

Pop:  78,953
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for 0000166828
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 17   488 - 494 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000232716     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 25076ff38c46c966018c5fc2889b12e7
CDBS Application ID: 2053188

42°49'11.8"N (42.819944)Latitude
78°12'40.5"W (-78.21125)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):15 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 651'198.54m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 192'58.5m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1994'607.8m
Emission Mask: Full-Service Filter

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1011320      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: Dielectric      Antenna Model: DLP-8 C      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.792   
  10°  0.713   
  20°  0.628   
  30°  0.547   
  40°  0.474   
  50°  0.414   
  60°  0.378   
  70°  0.378   
  80°  0.408   
  90°  0.449   
100°  0.487   
110°  0.515   
120°  0.527   
130°  0.522   
140°  0.500   
150°  0.467   
160°  0.430   
170°  0.400   
180°  0.398   
190°  0.440   
200°  0.510   
210°  0.590   
220°  0.671   
230°  0.748   
240°  0.818   
250°  0.877   
260°  0.924   
270°  0.958   
280°  0.980   
290°  0.994   
300°  1.000   
310°  0.990   
320°  0.973   
330°  0.946   
340°  0.907   
350°  0.857   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1304880   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  1,212,816
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for 0000232716
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

W17ED-D - HORNELL, ALFRED, NY, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): WYDC, INC. (Vision Communications)
Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station
Channel: 18   494 - 500 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000251870     Facility ID Number: 43451
Application ID Number: 25076ff3910af0f50191339bbacd19fa

42°49'11.8"N (42.819944)Latitude
78°12'40.5"W (-78.21125)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):4 kW ERP
TV Zone: Unknown Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 717'218.54m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 260'79.3m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2062'628.6m
Emission Mask: Full-Service Filter

Non-DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1008466      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: DLP-8      

ASRN:  1304880   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  1,214,773
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for W17ED-D Correspondence for 0000251870
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

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"If I could wave my magic wand, I'd make everything alright..." - Rush "Presto"