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Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 20 506 - 512 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/01/2022) File Number: BDFCDTL-20090915AAI Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: f019c700f003484a84c7cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1333390
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 0.3 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 20067 Pattern Rotation: 145° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 955512 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 20 506 - 512 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/01/2022) File Number: BMPDTL-20110822ACL Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: 2ce67df31bef4c858233cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1445856
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 2 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Full-Service Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 20067 Pattern Rotation: 145° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 955512 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 20 506 - 512 MHz Application File Number: BMPDTL-20110822ACL Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: 4fc5b2ab3f804534b370cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1441106
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 2 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 20067 Pattern Rotation: 145° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 955512 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 20 506 - 512 MHz Licensed File Number: BLDTL-20111006ACG Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: ccc90dce6796451bb320cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1448970
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 2 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Full-Service Filter
0.57 kW TPO + 5.45 dB gain = 2 kW ERP -2.44 dBk TPO + 5.45 dB gain = 3.01 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: 20067 Pattern Rotation: 145° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 955512 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 20 506 - 512 MHz Application File Number: BPDTL-20131204AEL Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: 01003cd7c03c464d9b3fcf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1604244
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 6 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 20068 Pattern Rotation: 145° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 955514 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 20 506 - 512 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/01/2022) File Number: BPDTL-20131204AEL Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: 81aff58f7fad4cd88c26cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1619079
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 6 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 20068 Pattern Rotation: 145° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 955514 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 20 506 - 512 MHz Licensed File Number: BLDTL-20140326AAP Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: a08e5397da844102bdb3cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1631477
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 6 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 339' 103.5m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
0.3 kW TPO + 13.01 dB gain = 6 kW ERP -5.23 dBk TPO + 13.01 dB gain = 7.78 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: 20068 Pattern Rotation: 145° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 955514 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 21 512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 10/10/2021) File Number: 0000051672 Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: 25076ff362a324be0162ac44f5113711 CDBS Application ID: 2009506
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 15 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 339' 103.5m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Full-Service Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 100585 Pattern Rotation: 0° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: DLP-8B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): HC2 STATION GROUP, INC. (HC2 Holdings) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 21 512 - 518 MHz Licensed File Number: 0000099445 Facility ID Number: 125079 Application ID Number: 25076f916fcf9170016fd2e58ce1085b CDBS Application ID: 2034885
27° 47' 27.5" N (27.790972) Latitude 97° 27' 2.5" W (-97.450694) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 15 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 339' 103.5m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321' 98m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 364' 111.1m Emission Mask: Full-Service Filter
0.3 kW TPO + 16.99 dB gain = 15 kW ERP -5.23 dBk TPO + 16.99 dB gain = 11.76 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: Pattern Rotation: 0° Antenna Make: KAT Antenna Model: Alive ATC-BCSC12M-U1 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.