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Licensee (Owner): WORD OF GOD FELLOWSHIP, INC. (Word of God Fellowship) Service Designation: LPD Low-Power Digital TV Station Channel: 30 566 - 572 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/01/2023) File Number: BDCCDTL-20081215AAS Facility ID Number: 167028 Application ID Number: 848dc53539964720928ecf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1284630
Location: Roxborough (PA) 40° 2' 19.7" N (40.038806) Latitude 75° 14' 12.8" W (-75.236889) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Unknown Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 10 kW ERP TV Zone: Unknown Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 735' 224m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 983' 299.8m Emission Mask: Stringent Filter
Directional Antenna ID No.: 17700 Pattern Rotation: 150° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° Antenna Make: ANT Antenna Model: ACB8CR Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.